World WiFi

3 Reasons World WiFi Could Succeed In Bringing Free Global WiFi

Imagine a world where everyone can access easy free and fast internet.
Its a world where anybody — no matter their location or income — could benefit from the knowledge, connections and utility that the internet provides.
Realising such a vision might seem like it would cost billions of dollars. If it is possible at all.
But there is another way of making this dream a reality. That way can be found in the power of the blockchain and decentralised networks.
World WiFi is an ambitious new crypto startup which plans to use the existing infrastrucutre of internet connections to provide a global network of free Wi-Fi hotspots that anyone can connect to.
Here we’re going to look at why such a solution could be a real winner.

#1 Everyone Wins

World WiFi is a win-win-win proposition for everyone that is involved with the network. Guest users are able to get access to a free wi-fi connection no matter where they are located. Router owners can turn their internet connection into something that costs them money each money, into an asset that produces a steady stream of income. Advertisers are able to reach a highly targeted audience, at a cost which is significantly lower that they may otherwise pay through other online advertising channels.

#2 Proven Record Of Success

The founders of World WiFi are no strangers to rapidly growing a public Wi-Fi business. The co-founders of World Wi-Fi started and currently run the Wi-Fi businesses “Ardenta” and “Radius Wi-Fi”. They are currently offering public Wi-Fi in more than eighty cities. What’s more in 2017 they managed to grow the amount of Wi-Fi access points that they offer by 784%. The technology of offering free Wi-Fi by using advertising revenue is already been used in this network. The blockchain is the missing piece of the puzzle which will allow this successful model to scale globally.

#3 Solves Big Problem

If you want to build a business on a large scale, then you need to solve an equally large problem. The difficult of connecting to an open network is just such a problem. The internet has quickly transformed into something that is essential for most people’s day to day lives. Consequently inadequate access to the internet is a major problem. In most parts of the world access reliable, fast and free Wi-Fi connection doesn’t currently exist. World WiFi offers a way to provide this global WiFi network leveraging internet connections that already exist.

WeToken ICO

If you want to participate in the World WiFi mission to bring free and fast Wi-Fi on a global scale, then you can do so through the WeToken ICO. WeToken is a cryptographic token native to the World WiFi network that will be used for all transactions. You can learn more about the WeToken ICO by going to:
World WiFi Website:
World WiFi Twitter:
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